Keeping a legacy in touch.
The client
Hatfields is the oldest and largest furniture store in Colchester, and one of the oldest and largest family-run furniture stores in the country.
Established in 1886, Hatfields’ 127 year history began in John Hatfield’s front room, which he used to show his stock during the week – clearing it out for he and his wife to use as a normal front room on Sunday.
The business now boasts one of the largest quality furnishing showrooms in East Anglia with comprehensive facilities and over 65 staff.
We have been supplying and supporting Hatfields’ telephony service for over six years, keeping a century old furnishers in touch with today.

What the client said
“We have been a client of Immervox for over six years. Immervox provides us fixed telephony services as well telephone system hardware and support.
In a rapidly changing field, Immervox excels at keeping us aware of technologies from which we could benefit. Immervox regularly reviews our service levels, balancing the benefits of cost reductions while at the same time maintaining a high service level.
Hatfield’s are proud to recommend Immervox Ltd.”