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We want to move over to the cloud

Why your business needs cloud computing

What is the cloud? It’s a question we get asked a lot by new customers. Despite phrases like cloud computing and ‘the cloud’ being used everywhere, many business leaders still feel in the dark about what they are and the benefits they bring. 

  • Unrivalled flexibility
    Cloud-based services offer nearly unlimited flexibility when it comes to your bandwidth and storage space. Investing in a remote cloud server not only cuts down on expensive hardware maintenance costs but allows you to instantly scale your capacity as your business grows.
  • Robust business continuity
    Business cloud services include cutting edge disaster recovery, data backup, and business continuity preserving solutions. By mirroring stored data across multiple servers file recovery can be instant. The cloud allows businesses like yours to mitigate the impact of disaster and major events, keeping downtime and productivity loss to a minimum.
  • Collaboration for the 21st century
    Cloud services and platforms allow your staff to collaborate and cooperate like never before. It allows your teams to share files and access communal resources, track group workflows and assign tasks with ease, and enhance their productivity by streamlining key processes. Cloud technology brings your staff closer, where they’re based. 


Cloud services could save your business 30-50% on its annual IT and telecoms infrastructure spend. It’s easy to see why when you compare many of the most common cloud services to their non-cloud alternatives.

The hidden costs of expensive hardware

Physical hardware carries more financial costs than maintenance and upkeep. As your business grows you’ll need ever-increasing amounts of bandwidth and storage space to keep up with heavier web traffic and data storage requirements. 

Upgrading your hardware to match these needs is a costly expense. It also means that, should a spike occur before you’ve had a chance to deploy new hardware, you’ll experience downtime and productivity loss. Cloud-based alternatives to your servers and storage bring the scalability and flexibility to mitigate these expenses.

Get back hours lost to software and security updates

Software and systems hosted in the cloud are regularly updated by their providers These updates are deployed automatically, round the clock, to minimise downtime during working hours. 

Rather than having to wait potentially days for your once-in-a-quarter security software update to complete, patches and server maintenance will be applied daily during the least disruptive hours possible.

Guaranteed software integration and unlimited configuration

There are few situations more frustrating to a business owner than finding out the new all-singing, all-dancing software platform you invested in is incompatible with your IT infrastructure. 

Because they are accessed remotely, cloud computing-based software packages can be automatically integrated with your current systems. Many can be accessed from the comfort of your browser. Cloud software can also be customised with ease, enabling you to only choose the services and features relevant to your business needs.


We’ve been providing IT and telecoms infrastructure for businesses like yours for nearly three decades. At Immervox we’ve been bringing businesses into the cloud since the first cloud services became available on the UK market. Whether you’re seeking hosted storage or a cloud-based collaboration platform, we can create a bespoke solution that exactly fits your business needs. 

Automated cloud back up to secure your business-critical data

Data breaches and data loss can severely damage your business. Our automated cloud backup services keep to-the-day copies of your data, ready to restore the moment you need it. 

Our secure UK-based Tier 3 data centres and AES 256 encryption as standard bring you data safety at a scalable, optimised cost.

Hosted voice services

Data storage and IT aren’t the only areas enhanced by cloud technologies. 

Our cloud-hosted VoIP services bring the power of crystal clear call quality without the need for an expensive hardware overhaul. What’s more, with cloud-hosted VoIP you can access configuration, call management and monitoring, and call analytics from the comfort of your browser.

Bringing the bandwidth to get you cloud-ready

Whilst cloud-hosted services save on costs and bring increased revenue by opening up a new world of possible business models and productivity benefits, a strong internet connection is required. 

We’ve helped hundreds of UK businesses create the connectivity infrastructure they need to get cloud-ready. Whether it’s as simple as some new routers or negotiating an entirely new broadband package, Immervox is here to get your business ready for the cloud. 


These are just some of the benefits of choosing Immervox as a cloud services partner, and ways we can bring the benefits of cloud technology to your business. 

Whether you’re interested in IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, or simply want some jargon-free advice on how to best reap the benefits of cloud offerings, we’re here and ready. No matter your sector we’ll be able to create a bespoke, robust disaster recovery plan that perfectly fits your business needs.

As well as cloud services, we’ve specialised in telecoms, data, broadband, and IT solutions for almost three decades. We’ve been a trusted partner to over 600 businesses in this time due to our commitment to putting the needs of you and your business first.


Let us help you today

Give the team a call today on 0333 014 6220, or register your details with us online and one of the Immervox team will be in touch to discuss the first stages of building your bespoke Immervox solution.