What to look out for in 2023
As we venture forward into 2023, we’ve been speaking with our internal experts to find out what they think will be the big trends to look out for this year.
We’ll be exploring each of these in much more detail as we move through the year, but here is an overview of our trends for 2023;
WiFi-6 is the latest standard in WiFi technology. Just like our broadband infrastructure has developed from 3G to 4G and now 5G, WiFi-6 is set to better the already improved service provided by its predecessors, WiFi-4 and WiFi-5.
Boasting speeds of up to 9.6 Gbps, WiFi-6 is designed for locations where there is heavy or dense traffic – public areas such as airports, office blocks or train stations, but also homes where there might be multiple devices requiring high quality access at the same time (phones, TVs, games consoles, smart appliances and tablets etc).
A meshnet, or Mesh Network is a series of ‘nodes’ or ‘satellites’ that work together to create a single network. Particularly useful for large spaces, or spaces where a signal cannot reach all rooms, a meshnet is designed to blanket the entire location with WiFi coverage. The nodes work together to keep devices connected to the internet as they move around the location, without the need to disconnect and connect to a new network.
BlockChain is a shared ledger or transactional record that cannot be edited by any party. It is designed to carry out transactions in a safe and secure way, and is most commonly known for use with cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, but it’s not restricted to financial services use. If a block is ‘altered’, an adjacent block will immediately catch the error and prevent the transaction, which is why it is so valuable in financial situations. Since everyone has access to the same ledger and no one person or institution controls it, the blockchain is decentralised. Non-financial examples of where block chains are used include border control, food safety and voter registration.
Web3 is still in the early stages of development, but it’s billed to be the biggest internet shake up to date. It’s being designed to give individuals even more control over the web, moving further away from centralised control and monetisation by big businesses, and closer to technology such as block chain and token-based ideas, enabling users to curate their own experience.
3G withdrawal
5G coverage is increasing, and will have full UK coverage by 2028. To support this, the full withdrawal of 3G will be complete by 2033. However, several networks are ahead of the game, with many networks, including Vodafone and EE, withdrawing support and services for 3G in 2023.
If you have an older device that still uses 3G, now may be a good time to explore your upgrade options.
Mobile networks are removing support and service for 3G across the UK in 2023
MIFID & PCI DSS Regulatory Changes
Regulatory changes related to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCR-DSS) means pen testing will become a standard requirement on certain systems.
The changes have been bought in for several reasons, but ultimately to increase security and limit the opportunities for cyber criminals.
Satellite technology
WLR withdrawal and stop-sell has meant that rural areas with limited services are looking to Satellite technology in order to get the coverage and service level they require.
Ready to get ahead of the game? Why not speak with our experts and see how these trends could start benefiting your business right now.