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59% of SMB leaders rate mobile phones as their top tech to run operations*

Since their humble beginnings as devices to answer and make calls and then send emails, the advancement of communications technologies and apps means that in today’s fast-moving, digitally connected world, more than half of SMBs across the UK consider mobile phones as the top technology they need to run their business.

By using their mobile data or private-public WiFi, employees can access their cloud apps, documents and data from anywhere, at any time, giving them their own portable office.

And, by choosing one single supplier to manage these services, organisations can simplify the management of these essential business tools and streamline their operations.

If your business is not yet benefitting from syncing your cloud services with mobile through one trusted supplier, now is the time.

Why cloud and mobile together?

It’s where mobility meets flexibility
With 40% of the workforce adopting a hybrid working approach**, businesses must ensure they have the right tools to help their staff work efficiently. This is where cloud and mobile come together – where mobility meets flexibility.

Mobile devices provide cellular connectivity, while the cloud services enable a modern workforce with the ability to access documents, data, and applications at any time and from any location, creating a flexible working environment without compromising the quality of business outputs. So, whether you need to update a PowerPoint presentation, amend an Excel document, or access that all important email in Outlook, all your documents, files and data are just a few clicks away.

Synchronisation, collaboration and cost savings
By adopting cloud and mobile together, your business can operate at the highest level, regardless of where your employees are.

Whether it’s working from home, collaborating on the move or syncing with employees in different office locations, with cloud services, all files and data can be accessed, in real-time, from anywhere. And with licences being deployed across multiple devices, whether working on a mobile, laptop, tablet or desktop, employees will always have access to the most up-to-date files.

Teams offers the functionality to communicate with team members through instant messaging and video calls, bringing everyone together as if they were in the same room. Employees no longer need to be in the office or onsite to fulfil their jobs.

Plus, with no need for costly servers and maintenance packages, utilising cloud services in your business can also have a positive impact on your bottom line.

Adopt a clear data strategy
In today’s digital landscape, adopting a single supplier for all your connectivity and communication needs can enhance your business. Not only does it reduce management time and streamline operations by providing you with one point of contact, it also helps ensure you have the right data strategy in place. After all, you’ll want to make sure your mobile tariff has the right amount of data and flexibility to accommodate and grow with your cloud services.

With Ofcom reporting a 13.5% year-on-year increase in mobile data usage, reaching 2,497 petabytes (PB)^^, it indicates further that mobile connectivity is crucial for business operations. It’s important to ensure that your mobile package provides sufficient, cost-effective data, enabling employees to seamlessly access critical cloud-based files and processes for improved productivity and efficiency.

With a well-planned data strategy, companies can leverage cloud-based tools for growth and innovation, avoiding workflow disruptions, reduced employee output, and missed opportunities. A good data strategy is a necessity.

Improved security  
As businesses become reliant on the use of technology for communication and productivity, it’s important they stay ahead of the curve in terms of security. According to a news report by the BBC in October 2023, device theft of mobile handsets in London has risen by 73% over five years^. While this is a high statistic, it shouldn’t be feared. Instead, it’s a reminder of the importance of cloud services and security.

What if an employee left their phone on a train? Cloud-based security features allow you to secure, back up and wipe the phone remotely. When your cloud and mobile services are managed by a single provider, a new device can be configured remotely and set up with all their apps and data fully loaded, enabling the employee to resume work with minimal disruption. Cloud services can also offer encryption and authentication, adding an extra layer to security.

System updates, patches, and upgrades for both mobile devices and cloud services can also be managed through a single provider. 

Choosing the right provider
Selecting the right provider for your communications and connectivity is important. Work with a provider who will take the time to really understand your business, its current and future needs, and your customers. A provider who can scale the solution as your business grows and not leave you vulnerable.

With over 25 years of telecoms experience, our team of trusted experts is here to assist you. Mobile and cloud are part of our core product range, and by working closely with you to understand your business and your goals, we can deliver a solution that works for you. Contact us today and find out more about working with us.

Now’s the time to invest
If you haven’t yet invested in cloud and mobile together, now is the time. Not only can it boost your efficiency and productivity, it also promotes long term savings and brings your business in line with today’s super-connected world. Work smarter, communicate quicker and synchronise your cloud services and mobile.


  1. *59% of SMB leaders rate mobile phones as their top tech to run operations – BT and

  2. **40% of the workforce adopting a hybrid working –analysys mason Or

  3. ^According to a news report by the BBC in October 2023, device theft of mobile handsets in London have rose by 73% over five years –

  4. ^^With Ofcom reporting a 13.5% year-on-year increase in mobile data usage, reaching 2,497 petabytes (PB),  –
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