Embrace hybrid working and downsize your office space

It’s no secret that companies all over the world are realising the value of hybrid working, and are empowering staff to combine working from home with time in the office. With a reduced workforce in the office each day, an office downsize has much more than just the obvious financial benefits.

Embracing a hot desk culture means less furniture to buy and house, but also means staff can sit together when in the office, rather than spaced out, surrounded by empty desks – encouraging collaborative working, and a sense of ‘team’. Hot desking also relies on staff removing personal items at the end of the day, creating a tidier and less cluttered environment.

To truly realise the benefits of hybrid working a Unified Communications solution is essential to keep the ebb of productivity flowing. Staff must effortlessly be able to start a document at home, and access it to complete it in the office the next day. They must be able to join an international video conference from their desk at home without the fear of loosing connection. They must be able to access historic files safely and securely from home, on the train or on the office. They must also be able to work collaboratively and securely with other team members across multiple platforms, using varied tools and software. 

Fewer work stations gives businesses the opportunities to embrace new technology. Tech that may have been unaffordable for 150 desks, may be more accessible for 50 desks. Solutions that were previously dismissed are now back on the table!

Ensuring this productivity flow is not interrupted is key to everything we do at Immervox. While an office downsize may sound daunting with re-evaluating your network, IT infrastructure and phone systems, our experts have been supporting business like yours get connected and ready to work on day 1 in their new location for over 20 years.

So if you’re looking to downsize – get in touch. Our experts can help guide you in the right direction. Whether it’s a whole new solution, or adapting an existing solution to power a hybrid approach.

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