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Help managing a complex infrastructure

Why you need a simpler communications infrastructure

Simple doesn’t have to mean lacking in functionality. Many business owners make the mistake of believing that in order for a system to be configurable, powerful, and enterprise-level it must also be complex. There are many reasons this isn’t the case.

  • Misconfigured settings create problems
    Call management has allowed businesses to configure and customise their phone systems. The problem is that in many traditional phone systems these settings and additional services were difficult and time-consuming to configure. This can lead to poorly configured or badly implemented services, which damage both your reputation with customers and the productivity of your staff. 
  • Simplified solutions reduce lost productivity
    Having to regularly invest time in the maintenance, administration, and upkeep of an overly complex communications infrastructure is a drain on both your IT team and the staff that have to stop work during the downtime. With a simple, unified communications solution this lost productivity becomes a problem of the past.
  • Bloated networks carry unnecessary costs
    It’s expensive to manage and maintain a network full of superfluous components. Both hardware upkeep and labour costs can make your communications and network infrastructure a much larger annual expense than it needs to be. By streamlining and simplifying your comms infrastructure you shave the unnecessary costs caused by bloated networks. 


Overly complex networks aren’t uncommon. Many businesses struggle to keep the connectivity and telecoms systems their staff rely on optimised. If you’re finding that your current communications infrastructure is too complicated to manage efficiently there are a number of reasons this could be. 

It’s been built up over time

Often you’ll build up your networks and systems over time as your business grows. This approach works well in the short term, adding and bolting on capabilities as needed. 

However in the long run this can lead to a convoluted and entangled web of interconnected services, platforms, devices, and connections that takes a great many pounds and hours to keep running.

It has unwanted bells and whistles

One of the great benefits of cloud computing is that it has allowed businesses to cherry-pick the services and tools they need. 

If you’re still relying on a long-standing package or managed services contract you could be paying for features your business doesn’t use or need. Not only do these unwanted bells and whistles bring unwanted cost, but they also add an unnecessary layer of complexity to your infrastructure.

Too many users are altering settings

Without a single pane of access to configure your phone systems or call management settings, there’s a strong chance you’ll have to delegate this task to others. 

In many large companies teams, departments, and even individuals can be responsible for configuring their own call management settings. If there are multiple users making changes to your network it can create all sorts of downtime-causing problems.


At Immervox we’ve been providing simple communications and telecoms solutions to businesses like yours for nearly thirty years. New technologies such as cloud-hosted VoIP and UCaaS have made this easier than ever before. There has never been a better time for an evaluation of your communications infrastructure.

UCaaS brings your communications channels together

Our UCaaS solutions have been revolutionising the ease and simplicity with which our customers keep their staff connected. 

By rolling all your communications channels into a scalable monthly service that can be managed from a browser window, managing the communications infrastructure of your businesses has never been easier or more cost-effective.

Hosted VoIP for crystal clear call quality over a broadband connection

If your phone system is the primary cause of unwanted complexity, a hosted VoIP solution is ideal for your business needs.

By running voice calls over your broadband service you can keep the connectivity of your business confined to a single network, removing the need for extra cabling and switches. 

A single point of contact for all your communication and connectivity needs

Regardless of the specific product or solution, the greatest way we keep things simple for your business is by providing a single point of contact for all your connectivity needs. 

By engaging us as a partner you have a familiar, friendly voice to answer all your queries be they related to broadband, telecoms, mobile, or data and cloud services. We’ll even negotiate with vendors and suppliers on your behalf, ensuring you’re always getting the best deal for your business no matter the vendor. 


These are just some examples of the ways Immervox can bring simplicity back to the way you and your staff communicate and collaborate. No matter the needs of your business we’ll ensure that your bespoke communication and connectivity solution brings business value without unwanted complications.
We’ve specialised in mobile, telecoms, data, broadband, and IT solutions for almost three decades. We’ve been a trusted partner to over 600 businesses in this time due to our commitment to putting the needs of you and your business first.

Your Immervox solution won’t just be a list of products and services that keep you, your business, and your staff connected. As an Immervox customer, you’ll have access to our full partner  experience:


Let us help you today

Give the team a call today on 0333 014 6220, or register your details with us online and one of the Immervox team will be in touch to discuss the first stages of building your bespoke IT and telecommunications solution.